Why Tumalo Tea? "Just Bee Cause"

Anise Hyssop: The Towering Benefits for Pollinators and People

Anise Hyssop: The Towering Benefits for Pollinators and People

Anise Hyssop, scientifically known as Agastache foeniculum, which is technically neither anise or hyssop, is a perennial herb that not only adds a delightfully bright and light licorice flavor to our tea but also provides significant benefits to both pollinators and people. Plus, it is a plant that is a towering flowering beauty in the garden. The fragrance of this columnar deer-resistant plant will bring a smile to your face and attract beneficial pollinators to garden, while deterring other flying pests. A Haven for PollinatorsAnise Hyssop is a veritable feast for pollinators. The University of Minnesota's [Extension program](https://extension.umn.edu/planting-pollinators/anise-hyssop) states that the...

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Joel Marshall
Breathing Made Easy With Tumalo Tea's Peach Tulsi Blend

Breathing Made Easy With Tumalo Tea's Peach Tulsi Blend

Clear and Protect Your Lungs with Peach Tulsi Tea! (learn more)

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Joel Marshall
"Just Bee Cause":The Good Little Story of Tumalo Tea

"Just Bee Cause":The Good Little Story of Tumalo Tea

“We grew flowers for the bees and they gave us flowers for tea.” It really is quite as simple as that. When Joel and Melinda Marshall moved from the lush Willamette Valley to Central Oregon’s High Desert they had no idea that Tumalo Tea would blossom from the simple idea to “plant wildflowers for wild bees.” “I believe that some of the world’s greatest problems can be addressed with small, simple solutions.” Just as it is with us, the best way to improve our health is to make healthy food more available. Bees are the ultimate foragers, but if we...

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Joel Marshall
The Deeper Meaning of Steep Love

The Deeper Meaning of Steep Love

"Steep Love" is more than a tagline. It is our lifestyle. At Tumalo Tea, we value love as the highest human virtue and greatest benefit we can bring. So we propagate love into every cuppa tea. Love brought us to the Garden. And so we plant seeds of Love so that they will grow into something beautiful and beneficial to the soil from which we came.  I grew up on Mt Bachelor when the "summit" and "outback" were only dreams, the Red Chair was the farthest reach and you had to drive through the middle of Bend to get there....

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